If you haven’t inferred by now, Esme is our Bernese Mountain Dog on the home screen. We adopted her from a rescue that rescued her and 41 other dogs from an Amish breeder that was shut down. She is honestly the most perfect dog in the world but she comes with some challenges. She is missing her front left leg, which has made getting around on our floors at home quite the challenge. We’ll probably speak to a lot oof…
Guild Ball Prints 2/5/24
For me Guild Ball was the game that truly started it all. It wasn’t my first minis game but it was definitely the first one that I cared about. That being said, I discovered the game months after they shut down the game and have literally played 6 games in the 2 years and change since I bought the entire collection. Regardless, you can imagine my excitement when Steam forged Games announced that they need some a quick influx of…
Conquest First Blood Battle Report 2/6/2024
Conquest is a game I recently got into at the behest of a friend. I am a notorious game jumper, though, and decided why not. To be clear, there are two different versions of the game. This is the skirmish version of the game, Conquest First Blood. There is also the more rank-and-flank version of the game, Conquest Last Argument of Kings. I am more keen to play that version (because of my Song of Ice and Fire the Miniatures…
Wargaming Blog Preface
This is the first ever post in my Fiancées and my blog and it’s actually quite a nerve-wracking thing even though I know no one will see this for a very long time, maybe even ever. This idea began mostly as a way to support my fiancée, something I hope to spend the rest of my life doing (added that in there to get an awwww when she reads this). She’s brought up the idea of a blog every once…