First and foremost, definitely just kidding. I am a tabletop standard painter and I dislike most Warhammer soooo golden demon will never happen. Regardless, a couple days ago I figured it was time to decide what I’m doing for adepticon so I could start painting for it. I was really involved in school so I missed the cutoff for event registration. I couldn’t quite figure out how to register anyway. My buddy who is also going told me I could just register there for most events anyway. That still only really leaves me events that probably aren’t full. I decided to see about the guild ball event, hoping the resurgence of players coming back to the game didn’t fill it up, and the casual 4 day star wars shatterpoint gaming. The star wars casual gaming had a cap at like 120 players or something so I’m hoping that’s still available.
As for painting, I figured I’d run my Mason’s for guild ball. They’re all painted so I’m good there. Not painted very well mind you because they were the third thing I ever painted but good enough. For shatterpoint I was kind of stuck because the list I was running consistently was Vader1 and Grand Inquisitor. That list is completely painted and looks dope. A big HOWEVER here being that Vader1 is a 3D print and wouldn’t be allowed. Everyone I know who is going is running Vader1 because he’s clearly the best piece in the game. So, I can’t borrow him and I’m not buying the $80 box. Basically, forcing me to come up with a new list. Before inquisitors I was pretty much all republic. This led to me going 0-13 when the game first came out… But I decided I wanted to get back to my republic roots and run the plo box. People were telling me his good pairings are with Vader1, of course, Anakin, Mace, maybe Obi1. I still have PTSD from losing a lot with Obi1 so that was out. Vader1 was already out. I’ve always been, eh, on Anakin as a character so when a buddy told me people were generally down on him, it didn’t take much convincing to take him out of the running. This just left Mace, whom I actually want to run but am just not a fan of ponds. Then it came to me, almost in a premonition. What if I took the plo box and paired it with something it had middling to low synergy with! So that’s how I came to the fact that I want to run Plo and Padme, or PP for short. Now, I do realize there is some synergy and a strat here so it’s not absolutely hot garbage but I think there were in general better options on the table I just flat out ignored.
I’ve been looking forward to airbrushing these handmaidens for a long time. I really perfected the yellow, orange, red colour transition when I did my Kaeris crew for malifaux. So, carrying that over to these girls was easy. Also check out all the plastic shavings in the crack of my table. Yeah that’s all conquest models. God I hate model cleanup.
Sabe and Padme got a dark red airbrush followed by a lighter red. This transition with shades of red never really shows up that well. Maybe it’s a wasted step then but I still do it. Sabe has the most another texture that is black and is over her nice airbrushed red. I tried to use just the side of my brush to almost dry brush the black on but I failed miserably in some spots and ended up just going ham with the black and coming back in with a red speedpaint with extra medium and washing the whole dumb thing.
Had to grab the plo box here because I slowed down quite a bit in picking up the new releases. So, I didn’t already own it. It was sold out at my usual store so I unfortunately had to get it at a different store for a higher price. R.I.P. my wallet.
And here’s the final pics. So insanely proud of Sabe. Don’t know if I’ll keep the paint scheme when/if I get around to painting my actual B1s but it works for a base. Still have to finish Padme and after I do I’ll try and update with better photos. I broke my camera lens a little while back and it still works it just doesn’t focus as well as it used to and almost seems a little cloudy but I make do.